4 Best Universities to Study Technology

In the digital era, technical education is more than widespread and popular. More and more universities offer training at technical faculties, and more and more students go to study at these faculties. You can start a career as a programmer without higher education, but there are nuances. In the field of development, a “class division” has long appeared: there are cool “programmers-scientists” and “programmers-engineers”, as well as ordinary “programmers-hard workers”. 

Here everything is already as in ordinary industries: high engineering or research positions without higher education are unattainable. That is why we have compiled a list of the best technical universities in every corner of the world for you.

Why Should you Study Technology?

The demand for programming courses continues to grow from year to year. So, according to analysts of the educational marketplace platform, on average, demand for programming courses in 2020 increased by 50% compared to 2019. Most of all in the US segment of the Internet people are looking for courses in Java, PHP, JavaScript, and Python. If we look at the rate of growth in demand for training, then at the moment the leading queries are: “programming courses from scratch”, “programming courses for schoolchildren”, “Python courses”, “JavaScript courses”, courses related to the web development and layout, according to the company’s data. Before, everyone wanted to become astronauts, and now — programmers. Statistics confirm: the field of information technology has become the most attractive for employment.

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1. Munich Technical University

The Technical University of Munich bears the title of “elite university” and is part of the TU9 association of leading technical universities in Germany. So it comes as no surprise that it houses the largest and one of the best computer science faculties in Germany, which, incidentally, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2017.

Education and research are carried out in almost all areas of modern informatics, including economic informatics, game development, bioinformatics, software engineering. Accordingly, the range of specialties is very wide. Students are offered six bachelor’s and seven master’s programs. Several of them are in English.

2. MIT

At this University, training programs in the field of applied informatics are especially highly valued today, the graduates of which are simultaneously programmers and specialists in economics. One of the new specialties is Economic Informatics. Graduates with such a diploma are especially in demand in the field of information technology marketing. Information security, mobile application development, and so-called Cloud Computing are also considered promising areas. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of internships offered by the University. Here you can practice from the end of the first course.

3. University of Oxford

Oxford is a big name in all sciences, and IT is no exception. “The peculiarity of Oxford is that it pays more attention to the theoretical aspects of computational science,” says one of the students in a promotional video for the University. “Even though you don’t specialize in a particular programming language, after graduation, you gain more confidence because of your deep understanding of the field,” notes another Oxford student. There are only good reviews of this University, so it is definitely a good choice.

4. Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technologies

The Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology (PJATK) was founded in 1994 within the framework of an agreement between the governments of Poland and Japan. The main research complex is located in the center of Warsaw.

PJATK is the best-specialized University in Poland in the field of IT technologies, as evidenced by the leading positions in the ratings and the high interest of employers in the graduates of the University.

For practical training of students, laboratories have been created with the most modern computer equipment and software: unique multimedia installations, stationary and mobile robots, graphic stations based on iMac, 3D scanners, touch interfaces, and much more. High-speed Wi-Fi is available throughout the University.

PJATK pays a lot of attention to creating favorable conditions for the all-round development of students. Students can realize their interest in scientific activity in numerous scientific circles, and in sports – in sports sections and tournaments.

The University has a Student Self-Government — this is support for student life, assistance in the implementation of ideas and initiatives, integration trips, organization of events, and conferences.

Summing up

Technology is a thriving field, so the programmer must be able to quickly adapt to the current state of technology and constantly learn new technologies. Even an inexperienced specialist can find a job according to his level of knowledge and then gradually learn and gain experience. An intern’s salary is about $1000. A full-time programmer in a mid-level company (not IT) receives up to $1500-1800, a little more – in an organization associated with mass software development. The salary of the lead programmer is $2,500-3,000. The options for where you can study technology are huge, so don’t waste your time and choose the institution that you like.


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