Users Will Be Able To Bypass The Recommended Hardware Requirements By Manually Installing Windows 11

Microsoft has revised the minimum requirements for Windows 11. The Redmond company will allow the next-gen Windows to run on computers without TPM 2.0 and recent processors — if the user installs it manually using an ISO.

The only thing is, users will, however, at their own risk, as Microsoft would not guarantee driver compatibility in this case. According to Microsoft, official hardware requirements are the only ones that can guarantee overall system reliability.

Microsoft says it will continue to enforce the recommended requirements for those who want to upgrade to Windows 11 through Windows Update. In this way, Microsoft is attempting to push for more modern drivers and increased security and will continue to deny the update to those who fail the hardware test.

Thanks to this new manual installation of the Windows 11 ISO method, millions of users will not be forced to choose between renewing their PCs or staying using Windows 10. Because you only need to have a 1 GHz 64-bit processor with two or more cores, 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage.


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