What’s a Digital Signage System, and Why It’s Important for Your Business

Run a digital sign within your business, and you have a digital sign. Run more than one digital sign in your business, and you have a digital signage system. Figuring out how important they are for your business depends on the innovative ways you intend to use them. Are they going to guide people around your store? Will they be used to test your marketing? Are they going to create an atmosphere, or will you use them to sell your food?

The Power of Your Digital Signage System

Check out a digital signage blog and see how other people are using digital signage systems. Let them inspire you because digital signs are only tools. They are powerful tools, but tools nonetheless. Here are a few ideas that perhaps you can copy or adapt to fit your business.

Showing Videos of Food

Why do you think McDonald’s photograph their fries stood up straight in the box? Why are their buns, lettuce and burgers fluffed and puffed up? It is because photographing food and making it look appealing is incredibly difficult. However, with a bit of creative video capture, you can show people videos of your food. Don’t just have photos and posters of your food, have digital signs showing how thick the gravy is, and how green the cabbage is, and let people see that whiff of steam coming off your food in the video.

Funneling People Around the Store

We all know about sales funnels online. You get people into the funnel and take them on a journey that results in a sale. With digital signs, you can influence where people go in your business. You can lead them past products that appeal to them and even strategically place items near the beginning that help sell the items nearer the end of the journey. By directing traffic and showing people where things are (without them having to search or ask), you can target them with your product lines.

Offer a bit of Infotainment

Veterinary clinics are amazing at this. They give you cartoons on their digital screens in the waiting room. Poor Rover keeps scratching because he caught fleas from something he walked over in a field. Did you know that 1 out of 7 dogs has fleas or mites? Oh, and by the way, we sell flea shampoo right here. They mix in advice about pets, and interesting facts, and then swing the subject back around to items that they sell. 

Replacing Your Posters

People put posters in their stores and businesses. They display offers and perhaps show products. Every wall and surface that has a poster can be replaced with digital signs. You don’t have to run videos on your signs, you can have poster images on them. Plus, you can change them daily or hourly if you wish. Plus, a lit-up sign is far more eye-catching than a piece of glossy paper on a wall. You can also test your posters to see if they improve the sales of their advertised items. You can run branding exercises using a similar methodology.

Communicate With Your Staff

Modern call centers and live-chat centers use digital signs to tell staff snippets of important information. They show staff how close they are to meeting their current KPIs. They tell staff things like call-waiting times so they can improve them when they are getting too high. Some will have digital signs in the canteen because staff don’t read their newsletter emails, but they will read and discuss things written on the digital sign in the canteen. The signs can even show which people are running which shift next so that the entire team knows who is working on the current project and who isn’t.

Jenna Jose
Jenna Jose is an experienced gaming editor with a journalism degree and a passion for RPGs and strategy games. She's your go-to source for the latest gaming news and comprehensive game lists. Off the clock, she's all about retro games and board game nights.


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