Five things every government should do for the youth in this modern tech era

Any country’s youth is its future. Any investment in a country’s youth is helpful for the country in the future. There are some main issues of youth all over the world that include unemployment, lack of facilities for entrepreneurship, and proper development tasks.  

The UN believes sustainable development goals (SDGs) are important and beneficial for our bright future. Sustainable development goals suggest emphasising entrepreneurship programs for youth. Many countries are getting to recognize the fact that focusing on youth entrepreneurship is the way to meet SDGs. 

To meet sustainable development goals, a government should understand the fact that the youth of a country is the central character. A large percentage of youth cannot even afford an education. We are forcing them to make positive changes in a country’s future when they can’t change their own. A government should consider giving away free laptops to its youth. 

The best way is to start a scheme of free laptops from multiple online colleges

Many universities took the initiative of providing technology-related support to their students. For instance, Alabama State University, Oklahoma State University, San Diego State University, and many other universities provide laptops, Apple iPad, and Samsung tabs to their students. The purpose is to invest in youth as much as possible to secure a brighter future for a country. 

Entrepreneurship and its importance 

Government should start focusing on rewarding events for youth to resolve issues in the business world. There should be programs to encourage young entrepreneurs. There should be competitions for top business solutions and rewards for the winners. It is a strategy that encourages young entrepreneurs to strive for the best. Although it is not a long-term solution, it is a positive initial step. Indeed, this plan will help spread the youth’s entrepreneurship basis.  

Training and internships for young entrepreneurs 

A well-renowned strategy for a healthy future for a country is to develop skills in their youth. We know education is important, but skills development is equally important in today’s day and age. This is the lack of jobs and opportunities, which is where skills will help. When a person is skilled, he can develop his own business and hire workers, leading to more employment opportunities.  

A government should focus on entrepreneurship pieces of training and internships. That would eventually lead to lesser failures of new business setups. It is beneficial for young entrepreneurs to get training to pursue their careers. With the proper skill set development, a government can reduce poverty.  

Opportunities for youth 

Government should arrange seminars, meetings, speeches, and presentations to showcase successful entrepreneurs and their journeys. Through their success stories, young entrepreneurs will get the idea of taking this path and put their trust in it.

Initiatives like pairing young entrepreneurs with professional and successful entrepreneurs can make huge differences. Youth can collaborate with industry giants to gain experience, name, and opportunities. Adding youngsters to great decision-making processes can lead to unique and positive impacts. Government should not underestimate the power of young entrepreneurs.  

Women empowerment should be a priority  

When talking about the government’s support for youngsters, we should highlight gender equality in our youth. For a successful and brighter future for any country, women’s empowerment and gender equality hold great importance. Training young women to develop financial stability and allowing them to take part in economic opportunities is the way to go. Women should equally be working alongside males.  


For today’s youth, it is becoming difficult to secure their bright future. In developed countries, young people struggle to compete with industry with little support, even with good economic situations. It is even worse in developing countries where the financial situation is worse. In these situations, young people tend to go for illegal jobs, low-paying jobs, and whatnot.  

Governments should take one step at a time to save our youth’s future. They are starting from focusing on quality education to skill development, internships, training, gender equality, opportunities, and peers with senior entrepreneurs. By following these steps carefully and resiliently, a government can support its youth in a major way. 


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