Google launched Keen — Kinda automated version of Pinterest

Google introduced Keen — an AI-powered Pinterest rival to curate, collaborate, and expand your interests on the web.

Keen is developed by Area 120 and PAIR at Google.

If you don’t know, Area 120 is an experimental program within Google to help small teams rapidly build new products in an entrepreneurial environment. And PAIR is a team of developers devoted to the research and design of people-centric AI systems. And Keen is an experimental child of these two.

According to project co-founder CJ Adams, Keen uses Google Search and machine learning to curate the content you love, share your collection with others, and find new content based on what you have saved. We can say it’s a kinda automated version of Pinterest. 

“The more you save to a keen and organize it, the better the recommendations become. Even if you’re not an expert on a topic, you can start curating a keen and save a few interesting ‘gems’ or links that you find,’ Adams explained in his inaugural blog post.

After multiple failed attempts, with Keen, Google is back again in the social networking business, although Keen is now a small project that is available on the web and Android.


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