The Modern Mobile App Market: Telehealth apps for Physical Therapy

According to Reports and Data, the global market for mobile health apps will reach nearly $312 billion by 2027. It is easy to explain the growth in popularity – it is both the increase in the general level of concern for one’s health and the accessibility of receiving doctor’s advice through apps. Telemedicine apps make it possible to avoid serious medical errors: a common cause of incorrect diagnoses is ineffective communication between doctor and patient. 

Where is telemedicine used in healthcare? 

Telemedicine technology can be used in almost any medical field, be it pediatrics (a sick child no longer needs to see a doctor), psychotherapy (psychotherapists conduct sessions online), dermatology (thanks to high-quality images, dermatologists can examine patients suffering from psoriasis, eczema, bedsores, etc.), neurology (remote monitoring of blood pressure values is redirected to a specialist), physical therapy (special apps can control physical therapy) or intensive care (in situations where a person cannot be moved to another clinic, urgent video interviews are carried out by a specialist).

With the development of telemedicine, people save time and effort because they can talk to a specialist online. This is relevant for people living in megacities, who often do not have enough time to monitor their health and sit in queues. But telemedicine technology is also an option for people living in rural areas because highly qualified doctors work in cities.

Telemedicine technology can also be used during emergencies (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes). When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas in 2017, medical professionals set up video conferencing with specialists in other states for those people who were slightly affected. This relieved the burden on Texas doctors, who took care of patients with severe injuries first.

Another way telemedicine technology has been used is through remote medical offices. For example, the American retailer Walmart has installed points with computers in many of its stores, which can be used to get in touch with a doctor. The patient enters his symptoms, enters a virtual waiting room, and consults with a specialist by video.

But today let’s talk about telehealth apps for physical therapy. There are a lot of commercial companies or clinics that develop special telehealth software for physical therapy. With the help of such apps, you can find needed exercises for physical therapy. Below are the best telehealth apps for physical therapy.

Freeletics Training Coach

It is one of the most popular physical therapy applications. It contains exercises with your own weight, which you can perform where you want. You can choose from ready-made physical therapy programs or create your own. It is also convenient that each therapy exercise is accompanied by video tips that explain how to perform it correctly.


Here, physical therapy exercises last seven minutes a day. The developers claim that Seven’s physical therapy programs are based on scientific research and provide maximum benefit to the body in the shortest possible time.

The app works out your physical therapy program for the week in different categories: general and dynamic. Seven has more than 200 physical therapy exercises of varying difficulty levels, and video instructions for them. The app is suitable for people with busy schedules.


It contains physical therapy exercises and programs, but some may require equipment. Proper execution is shown in videos by professional rehabilitologists. Therapy exercises vary in difficulty and user preparation.

Sworkit Lite

Quite a handy program for therapy exercising with a lot of exercises. The user needs to select the type of therapy workout, specify the time, and the screen will show videos with the rehabilitator who demonstrate the set of exercises. The app reminds you of your therapy workouts every day.

iMuscle 2

The iMuscle 2 lets you choose which body part you want to rehabilitate using a 3D model of a person. Once the user clicks on the picture, the app will find the right therapy exercises. You can create personalized therapy programs according to your goals and needs. All materials are available offline, and each therapy exercise is accompanied by an animated picture.


FitOn has a huge advantage over competitors – instead of animations demonstrating how to do this or that therapy exercise, it uses recorded videos with professional rehabilitators. Moreover, the user is not shown individual exercises, but the entire therapy workout consisting of 10-20 minutes of movements.


Often people are much more comfortable exercising at home, doing therapy exercises with basic equipment. But not everyone can independently think up and form a therapy plan. Special telehealth applications for physical therapy help with this, they tell what to do, how many times, and how long. The main thing is not to forget that the application itself will not exercise for you. Now you know the best telehealth apps for physical therapy.


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