Youtuber Builds The Largest Nintendo Switch In The World

The last time we saw a modder managed to convert Nintendo Game Boy into a portable Bitcoin mining rig, and now a YouTuber has created the largest Nintendo Switch in the world — yes, it is fully functional and therefore can be used to play.

The Youtuber Michael Pick, self-described “casual engineer”, has managed to create a gigantic Nintendo Switch, more than 177 centimeters long and therefore as big as the television to which we usually connect the console. The giant replica is constructed using wood, weighs about 30 kilos, and is 650% larger than the original.

The Nintendo Switch is particularly popular because of its compactness. The standard edition of the Nintendo Switch measures 109mm. x 239 mm. x 139 mm. and it can be used both in portable mode and desktop console thanks to the Dock.

Pick used wood for the outer shell and plastic to print the 3D buttons and some mechanisms. Also, he mounted a huge LED screen connected with an HDMI cable. The technical implementation of the controls is particularly noteworthy. The huge controllers are mechanically connected to the buttons of a real Nintendo Switch via an elaborate servo system. It is built into the inside of the left Joy-Cons.

At first glance, the gigantic copy of Switch is only of limited use for actual gaming, but on the other hand, it opens up completely new possibilities for combining video games with physical exercise and teamwork.

Michael Pick has donated this giant Nintendo Switch to Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee.


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