How To Make Your Computer Greet You and Tell You The Time On Startup

How about making your computer greet you on start up like Jarvis From Ironman.I think it is cool.In this tutorial we will show you how to make your computer greet you and tell you the time on startup.With a Visual Basic Script and some changes in startup programs setting we can make our computer speak.So friends lets start:

Step 1:

• First of all copy and paste below Visual Basic Script to Notepad.
• Then save the file as “Greetme.vbs“.[Assign any name you want but don’t forget to add extension “.vbs”] • Now check the saved file is working or not by double clicking it.
Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
 dim str
 if hour(time) < 12 then
 Sapi.speak "Good Morning TechLog"         ' Add Your Own Greetings Message.
 if hour(time) > 12 then
 if hour(time) > 16 then
 Sapi.speak "Good evening TechLog"		   ' Add Your Own Greetings Message.
 Sapi.speak "Good afternoon TechLog"	   ' Add Your Own Greetings Message.
 end if
 end if
 end if
 Sapi.speak "The current time is"           ' Add Your Own Time Greetings Message.
if hour(time) > 12 then
 Sapi.speak hour(time)-12
 if hour(time) = 0 then
 Sapi.speak "12"
 Sapi.speak hour(time)
 end if
 end if
if minute(time) < 10 then
 Sapi.speak "o"
 if minute(time) < 1 then
 Sapi.speak "clock"
 Sapi.speak minute(time)
 end if
 Sapi.speak minute(time)
 end if
if hour(time) > 12 then
 Sapi.speak "P.M."
 if hour(time) = 0 then
 if minute(time) = 0 then
 Sapi.speak "Midnight"
 Sapi.speak "A.M."
 end if
 if hour(time) = 12 then
 if minute(time) = 0 then
 Sapi.speak "Noon"
 Sapi.speak "P.M."
 end if
 Sapi.speak "A.M."
 end if
 end if
 end if

Step 2:

After successfully completing above step,now we are going to add this Script to our Startup programs.

• So first Enable the option “Show Hidden files,folders and drives” in “Folder Options” setting.
• Then copy and paste script file to:

make your computer greet you

We are done!
Now onwards your computer will greet you and tell you the current time on startup……. If you face any problem just comment below. Share this simple trick with your friends.

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  1. Hi I’m facing a problem that when i rename it greetme.vbs then its still remain as Notepad .(windows 10)
    hope you will find the solution .
    thanks .

  2. Hi Thanks for your reply but now its showing me another error below :

    Script: C:\Users\Ahmed Faraz\Desktop\Greetme.vbs
    Line: 57
    Char: 1
    Error: Expected Statement
    Code: 800A0400
    Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error

  3. Mine shows
    Line 1
    Char 46
    Error : unterminated string constant
    Code: 800A0409
    Source :Microsoft VB script compilation error

  4. Hi, I just came across this. Created the script it runs with no error but the speech is slow. Is there a way to speed it up?

  5. Hi TechLog,
    What should I add if I would like the pc to announce the month and day (e.g., “on June 2”)? Thanks in advance for your response.


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