5 Personal Finance Apps That Can Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals

A lot of people find it hard to manage their own money. The Simple Dollar notes that the reason why it takes too long for many to achieve their financial goals is that saving money is not as gratifying as spending it. Often, we don’t see past the immediate pleasure of buying something we want right away.

For you to get a better hold of your finances, you can use personal finance apps that can track your expenses, allow you to see your long-term financial goals, and help you keep up with your bank balance. In this post, we’ve listed some of the top five personal finance apps that can make it easier to manage your own money.


The envelope strategy is one of the most popular budgeting strategies. Here’s how it works: you divide your monthly income into various spending categories and place it all into corresponding envelopes. You can only spend on a certain category until the cash in the envelope is gone. If you’re fond of this budgeting strategy, Mvelopes is a great app that essentially uses the same concept in managing your finances. All you need to do is to create a budget and link your credit or debit card to the app. While Mvelopes isn’t a free app, you can get a ton of features like financial coaching services if you choose to subscribe.

Petal Card

If you want to build your credit score but aren’t sure how to do it, Petal Card is the way to go. Aside from offering easy-approved credit cards that don’t have any annual fees, Petal Card also has an app that can help you understand your credit. Transparency is key in building your credit score, so Petal Card allows you to see your credit score in the app and what your interest fees will look like if you don’t pay your bills. Furthermore, you can also use the app to manage other bank accounts, budget your monthly expenses, and find partner merchants where you can score huge cash backs.

Personal Capital

Personal Capital is a great app if you want to track your investments. Plus, this all-in-one-app also allows you to see your spending habits, so you can budget accordingly. You can connect your savings, checking account, and credit card accounts to the app to help you easily manage your finances. What’s more, you can even connect your IRAs, 401(k) savings, loans, and mortgages for a full view of your financial health.

Travel Spend

 As remote work and digital nomad lifestyles become more popular, you’re going to need a personal finance app if this is something you want to try. After all, it’s easy to get carried away with spending when you’re traveling or enjoying a vacation overseas. Travel Spend is a great personal finance app to use if you travel on a regular basis as it doesn’t need an internet connection to work. One key feature in this app is that it can instantly convert any currency to another. In addition, you can also export your budgeting and expenses to a spreadsheet if need be.


 Honeydue is the perfect personal finance app for those who are looking to manage their joint finances with their partner. It can be frustrating managing your finances with someone, especially if you don’t see eye-to-eye on certain expenses. With Honeydue, couples can avoid having money-related miscommunications. It offers transparency tools to help you share information on spending habits, account balances, and budgets. The app also provides a fun way to comment on your partner’s transactions through emoticons that allow you to express your support (or disapproval).

Meet Jayprakash, the go-to editor for all things Android. With a Master's in IT and a decade in tech journalism, he's a respected voice in the Android community. Off-duty, Jayprakash is a chai-loving comic book fan.


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