7 Apps and Websites That Help You to Сross the Language Barrier

Buenos Dias! Or should I say, Guten tag? Are you trying to learn a new language? Congratulations on your adventure! It’ll be a hard task, but a rewarding one nonetheless.

Fortunately for all language-lovers out there, the Internet provides you with a lot of things you can take advantage of to better yourself in the language you’re studying.

Read down below to find out!

1. Language-learning apps

There are a lot of apps online that will teach you a new language. If you feel you can handle a new language all by yourself, this is the perfect ally for your language-related battles.

If you visit language classes, they are a great aid to brush up on old concepts that you might not understand yet! The best ones are Duolingo and Memrise.

In addition to the apps mentioned, there are also language-learning websites such as Rosetta Stone, Busuu, and Lingoda that offer a more structured and immersive approach to language learning, with the option of interacting with native speakers and online language tutors.

2. Google Translate may be useful from time to time

If you are having a hard time trying to understand a word or a line from a text, Google translate might be able to solve your language-related issues.

It’s easy to use and reliable most of the time. Keep in mind it’s not perfect and it’s a constant work in progress, so never take it as your main source of knowledge.

3. Make foreign friends using Interpals

Once you get good at the new language you are learning, it’s time to take your newly-developed abilities for a test drive around the world!

Back in the day, it was hard to create a penpal relationship with someone from around the globe, but now it’s incredibly easy! All you have to do is sign up at Interpals and look for someone to talk to.

You’ll make new friends, learn things about other countries, and become a better foreign language speaker – all at once!

4. Using Text Converter

Using a text converter is another best method to break the language barrier. If you know how to speak a language but don’t know how to write, text converters are here to assist you. For example, if you don’t know how to write in Malayalam (Indian language), text converter tools like English to Malayalam typing will help you type in English, convert it to Malayalam easily. You can use this online tool to convert English typing to Malayalam easily. If you live or belong to Kerala, want to write in your regional language, you can use our tool. The tool also supports other language converters too.

5. Organize video calls with foreigners using Skype

Writing letters online to foreign friends is great, but you shouldn’t stick to improving your writing skills only! You need to work on your listening and speaking abilities as well to become truly proficient in a foreign language.

And there’s no better way to do it than by making video calls using Skype or alternatives. If you have a good internet connection, it’ll be of great quality. And free of charge!

6. Read foreign blogs and newspapers

A great way to improve your writing abilities is to read. You need to read a lot when you are trying to learn a foreign language. Some people even learn languages to read blogs, books, and newspapers in their original language – that’s how important it is!

You should try to look for different newspapers online. And, if possible, look for newspapers with different political views, that way, you’ll get a sense of different tones of writing and a better sense of the overall language!

7. Use YouTube and Filmix to watch foreign films; Use Apple Music or Spotify to listen to foreign songs legally

You can also improve your listening abilities in a fun, relaxed kind of way. Consuming media! You probably love to listen to music and watch movies. We all do! Everyone thinks it’s a way to have fun and entertain yourself, but if you are learning a new language, you can use it to study as well!

Look for foreign films and foreign music of your target language and dive right into them! It might not seem like much at first, but you’ll soon realize you are making great process by paying attention to how people talk, act, and sing!


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