Why Integrated ERP Data Systems Are Important in 2019

As levels of consumer data expand and business processes become ever more complex, integrated ERP systems are becoming increasingly important. Many start-ups and other businesses may get entangled in the complex situation of having different applications installed in separate places across their organizations. As well as wasted productivity, lacking real-time visibility, increased costs and lack of efficiency, the need for integration of systems is likely to grow on a daily basis.

All businesses need to have a competitive edge in their respective marketplace and these data systems offer a way to combine customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) into one software model, streamlining processes and boosting productivity.

Rapidi offers simple solutions to complex data problems, employing powerful integration solutions for connectivity and providing a wealth of advantages. With over 97 percent customer satisfaction reported and a secure cloud-managed system, they’re a leader in the ERP-CRM data integration field. In this post, we look at why systems like Rapidi are so important for businesses in 2019.

1. 360-degree view

How well do you know and understand your customer base? Rapidi offers a complete snapshot and overview of each customer, including visibility over buying habits and previous orders, business changes and relationship development. With better analytics and reporting, businesses can leverage this customer-centric data to improve relationships, boost brand awareness and loyalty and generate continued business.

2. Accurate forecasting and decision-making

The software gives businesses the tools to create accurate sales forecasts and make more effective decisions across the business, from the supply chain upwards. It will help your organization optimally meet your clients’ needs and catch any in inventory issues in time to smooth and boost all processes.

3. Real-time records

The system also offers a centralized database from wherever you work. In-house or remote teams will have access to the same real-time and synchronized data. This improves efficiency, so if a customer needs an order status update, shipping details or to organize a product returns, for example, details about customer financials, order history, and payments, can be accessed immediately in one place. Employees do not waste time trying to gain access to critical information.

4. Eliminate slow and error-prone systems

Through integrating ERP and CRM systems, there is no need to duplicate entries. This can take an extensive amount of time and resources and there is room for errors. Rapidi allows to access and input information through one clean interface, saving operation costs, preventing disruptions and delays. This equals increased productivity and ultimately, better sales and wider profit margins.

5. Scalable

Rapidi offers a system that is scalable, helping businesses to grow and adapt to change. It gives you flexibility, scalability and the ability to maximize on current and future opportunities.

6. Reduced IT costs and support

Integrations systems can be installed and connected in three hours. Because it is a single unit, there is no need for specialized IT staff for different systems. Likewise, the need for training employees is minimized, resulting in less cost output. By choosing this solution for your business, you will see a powerful ROI.


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