4 Reasons Why Businesses Need A Managed IT Service

There’s a business expression often said by exasperated owners when their people don’t do the things they expect to be done, or they’re not done the way they expect them to be done. And it goes like this: ‘if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.’ But this isn’t always true, especially when you want to do something that requires expertise in the complex field of Information Technology (IT).

Managing your company’s IT is important to your business operations, but it may not even be a part of your company’s core objectives. If it’s not, then you might want to think about getting someone to help you manage your IT needs and resources. Here are four reasons why you should get managed IT services:

1. It Facilitates Better Focus On Your Business’ Core Objectives

If IT is not a core objective of your company or organization, then you might be better off letting a team of professionals handle your IT network, infrastructure, and systems monitoring, including repair and maintenance tasks.

When you hire another company like Verticomm to handle your IT needs, you’re freeing up company resources and time, which would allow you to focus on your core objectives better. Although sometimes, companies may be confused about the extent of their core objectives especially with the current trends on digitization, and the subsequent shift to online transactions and remote work operations. However, for more modern, web-based companies, IT is a crucial part of their core objectives.

2. Growing IT Needs That Your Company May Not Be Able To Handle Anymore

There is a common perception among companies that they need to allocate more money and resources to their IT departments because of the global trend towards digitized operations and online transactions. However, while it’s true, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have to handle the IT work themselves.

If there’s a genuine need for more corporate budget and resources to be allocated to improve the IT capabilities of your company, then it could be an indicator that it’s about time for your company to hire another entity to handle all IT needs. In fact, the current trend is to avail of  IT as a service.

When there’s an increased need for something in your business operations, it doesn’t mean you should undertake the task or work yourself. For instance, if there are new or increased risks in shipping items, or making sure that your products are delivered to your customers, it doesn’t mean you should hire more delivery staff (unless you’re in the shipping or logistics business, of course). What you do is you look for a better logistics company or get delivery insurance for your cargo.

It’s the same when your need for better IT management increases.

3. Reduction of Total IT Costs

The third reason why you should consider hiring managed IT services is they can help you bring down the cost of your website and IT maintenance with better systems.

If you’ve your own IT department with several teams assigned across different areas in IT, then you’re most likely spending a lot of corporate funds, time, and resources on IT management. And when one or some of your IT staff resign or retire, you’ll have to spend additional resources on recruitment, hiring, onboarding, and training new staff.

But if you hire a managed IT service company, you can be spared from the tedious tasks involved in staff turn-over. Managed IT service companies manage and maintain their own staff and workers. They handle all the training and continuous learning that IT workers need. They’ll also be the ones to spend for the recruitment, hiring, and onboarding expenses if some of their workers leave. Most of all, your business operations won’t be interrupted. That’s a lot of weight off your shoulders already, and your pocket.

4. Round-The-Clock Support

Another reason why you should consider getting managed IT services is support reliability. Most of them offer 24/7 support, which is how it should be as technical issues may happen anytime. The growing number of IT support companies is also something you can use to benefit your company’s finances. Because they’ll all basically compete to get clients, you can ask some of them to submit a proposal of services that will suit your budget. This way, you can make the most of your company’s budget for IT services, and be able to choose the best services within that budget range.

You can also negotiate for a more customized contract to suit your needs better, especially if your business has unique needs. Most IT service companies are flexible, you just have to ask them.

Leaving IT To The Pros

Business-related decisions require a lot of careful consideration. However, you should also be wiser when trying to determine whether an issue is something you can address without compromising resources, or something that’s best left to the professionals. If IT isn’t really one of your company’s strengths, then perhaps it’s about time you let a managed IT service company take over.


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