Comparing the Wide Area Network Solutions Available For Your Business

If you’re considering adopting a Wide Area Network (WAN) for your business, you might consider a software-defined WAN (SD-WAN). An SD-WAN simplifies IT infrastructure control and management by providing a network structure that securely connects users to their applications. We’ll explain how SD-WAN works in more detail in this article. 

How Does SD-Wan Work?

The SD-WAN provides centralized control over a virtualized WAN to make branch office deployment easier. In addition to replacing branch office routers, it creates an overlay network independent of WAN transport. Customers can control application service policies at the application layer to optimize performance. 

Application Awareness

Application awareness is one of the main features of SD-WAN. Each application gets translated into policies that the network must abide by based on its SLA requirements. Active traffic and application monitoring enable excellent quality of experience anywhere – on-premises, in the cloud, or SaaS.

Automation and Control

In addition to unified control and management, SD-WAN encourages using automated policies. It improves visibility and IT insights into devices, applications, users, and networks. By doing this, IT can define, control, and change business requirements across their branches, data centers, cloud, and SaaS platforms.


A more advanced SD-WAN will meet business objectives, make deployment more flexible, and ensure future-proof IT operations. Next-generation SD-WANs understand application service level agreement needs to formulate network policies. Monitoring networks and applications ensure a high-quality user experience, whether onsite or in the cloud. 

Unified Control and Management

Control and management are unified and provided through a user-friendly interface that promotes an automated policy-based framework. As a result, IT can monitor applications, devices, users, and networking, ensuring the company meets all business objectives. 

That allows IT to set, control, and modify business rules across branches, data centers, and cloud or software-as-a-service platforms.

The central management process eliminates time-consuming and error-prone configuration via template-based workflows. SD-WAN workflows in the cloud allow automatic propagations and reliable deployments.

Branch offices, cloud providers, or a data center can use SD-WAN. Incorporating cloud-based network services in place of single-function proprietary appliances improves network integration, virtualization, and multilayered security approach. That means organizations can eliminate redundant, single-function devices that create unnecessary risk, complexity, and cost. 

By automating and programmable cloud-native platform, ID no longer must manage WAN complexity and set up and manage network and security devices.

Deploying SD-WAN

SD-WAN Templates

A next-generation SD-WAN that uses templates can utilize workflows that help the system run smoothly. Utilizing templates improves productivity and streamlines deployment processes while employing a modular approach. 

Several branch offices or groups of branch offices can use the same SD-WAN configuration templates. Automating repetitive, tedious tasks with pre-defined configuration templates is easy. 

Complexity is masked by removing the need to understand all of the steps involved in achieving a specific goal. Templates apply the correct configurations automatically when elements are selected. 

Simplifying Operations is Key

SD-WAN makes provisioning simpler because it provides a central controller to push configurations to SD-WAN endpoints at branch offices.

IT professionals configure templates with smaller, manageable, and modular building blocks. Users receive different permissions, eliminating the need to build monolithic configurations. Administrators have the option of mixing and matching elements. 


That’s what you need to know about how SD-WAN works. As you consider what kind of network you want for your business, look at the benefits of SD-WAN and think about whether it might be a good option for your business.


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