False Alarms from iPhone 14’s Crash Detection Impose Burden on Emergency Services

The crash detection feature on the iPhone 14 has become a problem for emergency services worldwide, including in Japan. In a month, the Japanese fire department received 919 calls, 134 of which were false. The false calls were mostly caused by the iPhone 14’s crash detection system, activated when owners went skiing or snowboarding.

Similar reports of false positives have been received from around the country, with rollercoaster rides acting as another trigger for the function. If it detects an accident, the gadget starts a countdown and sounds a warning siren before making an automated emergency call. The user can cancel the call manually, although doing so in a loud setting is not always easy.

Apple is collaborating with local emergency services to fix the false positive issue. The release of iOS 16.1.2 in December 2022 improved crash detection on the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro devices.

Although there have been allegations of false positives, there have also been reports of the crash detection system operating properly and saving lives. For example, in Australia, an iPhone successfully alerted emergency services to a car accident, allowing police to get on the scene in just eight minutes.

To solve the issue, Apple is seeking feedback from emergency call centres on the performance of the emergency crash alert system. Despite the inconvenience caused by false positives, the crash detection feature on the iPhone 14 is still a crucial tool that aids in saving lives in genuine emergencies.


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