How I Got Addicted to Coding

Learning new things brought me to writing my first lines of code. I was curious enough to learn how to bring my rudimentary idea into software that others could actually use. It took me a while before I could code that simple piece of software, but it was more than enough to keep me going.

Back then, the goal was to master a programming language that I could regularly use to bring ideas to life and start a dedicated software development team and assemble a community like this platform. When I completed my third software project, I started making money with my code. That was the final piece of the puzzle. For the first time, the code I wrote affected the lives of many people.

From Simple Programs to Scrapers

Simple programs were always the most beautiful. You have to understand complexities in a way that lets you simplify the user experience with your software. It was very challenging, especially since I focused primarily on C before moving on to Java and other programming languages.

Simple programs that make money, however, are the best. Being able to write code that automatically calculated installments for lenders or a web service where users could convert their video files to a compressed version for easier sharing, all of which generated revenue, was one of the best things about being a coder.

I was completely hooked. Coding was no longer about learning new things and turning my ideas into software that others can use. It was more about solving real-world problems and making money in the process. That was when I started turning to data-processing runtimes, especially with data becoming more valuable.

I had been coding for around 10 years when I first wrote my own data scraper. The demand for capable data scrapers was on the rise, and the one I created was designed to collect and process data in a more efficient and targeted way. It was a big hit, and it didn’t take long before marketers and businesses started buying the scraper that I made.

The success of the data scraper brought another realization – the time I had spent crafting the data scraper and writing each line of code to make it work was actually time that had monetary value. Every line of code generated income. As more people used the scraper, that number got higher. There is an addictive aspect to the experience that I cannot explain in words.

An Addictive Experience Indeed

The sensation of solving real-world problems with lines of codes and the money that I generated from that code was a killer combination. The two made me addicted to coding almost instantly. In fact, earning money and solving problems were the reasons why I started exploring more programming languages and mastering them, all for the purpose of writing better code.

When machine learning came into play, I started exploring Python and Go as the primary programming languages. Sure, you can create an AI entity using C, but Python, with its modules and frameworks – mostly designed for AI development – was a lot more efficient for the apps that I developed. The same is true with Swift, which is specifically designed to make coding for the Apple ecosystem easier.

Data scraping remains a big focus of mine. Data is only getting more valuable, but there are more data sources to tap into. Users willingly share their data, usage information, and other details online, and it only takes a few lines of code to collect and process these details into valuable insights for customers. The tools that are available for developing complex scraping routines are also getting better.

Once I went down this route, there was no stopping me. I learned new languages, wrote new (and better) code, and solved more problems. I earned money by completing the cycle, and I started the process all over again. I even started looking at things like marketing and promotions from a programmer’s standpoint, with data and logic being the driving forces.

Addiction to programming is not a serious issue if you keep it in check. Fail to control the urge to code, however, and you will start abandoning your social life entirely. I know because I went through that phase at some point. Knowing that I could make money from my code, I opted to stay home and create software rather than to go out with my friends.

A Powerful Motivation

Addiction aside, there is no doubt that making money from the codes you write is powerful motivation. When you start realizing how the lines of code you write are actually revenue-generating products, you will take being a coder much more seriously.

This motivation also keeps you going. I’m still learning how to write better code in different languages simply because there are still so many revenue streams that I haven’t accessed. You can use money and accomplishment as your sources of motivation too.


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