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Yearly Archives: 2020

Smart Alternatives to the Safari Browser

Alternatives to the Safari Browser
It is safe to assume that you are probably stuck with the traditional Safari browser that comes with every Apple device. What if we...

Enable Facebook dark mode on desktop version by switching to this...

Facebook dark mode
Facebook has finally launched the most anticipated Facebook dark mode feature in its desktop version. The feature is available for everyone and you can...

How to improve productivity and stay focused on the task at...

coding developer
In times of rapid technological advancement, regular people are daily encountered with numerous distractions. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult to stay focused...

9 Best Battle Royale Games for PC we recommend in 2020

Battle Royale Games
With the arrival of PUBG, battle royale games become one of the favorite video game genres for gamers. Now Esports are organized based on...

Explaining The Anatomy Of A Data Breach

data breach
A data breach is the intentional or unintentional release of secure information to an untrusted environment. Other terms for this phenomenon include unintentional information...

How To Uninstall Linux Or Windows From Dual Boot System

Uninstall Linux Or Windows From Dual Boot System
Most of us are dual booting operating system in our computers, means installing two operating systems in separate partition instead of using VMware or...

The Cost of Hiring Django Developers

coding developer
Django is a Python-based open-source web framework used in back-end development. Besides, it’s implemented to create complex and data-driven websites that require less code...

80 Lightweight Linux Programs To Speed Up Your Old PC

Lightweight Programs To Speed Up Your Linux PC
Sometimes its hard to replace some of our old stuffs — like our first PC. Most of us still uses our old PC even if it...