2021 Trends In The IT Support Industry

Technology continues to evolve, and it seems that several things are in store for the IT support industry in 2021. Various companies and professionals in this sector continue to hone their practices, introduce new skills, and use updated technologies to help brands solve their various tech needs. Continue reading the rest of this article to know various IT support trends that might occur in 2021. 

1. Computer Programming

Software development might continue to become more advanced than its current state when 2021 arrives. Various organizations continue to look for digital solutions to help them develop actionable strategies and implement effective solutions for various concerns. 

The IT support industry aims to help clientele with different computer programming for software development and maintenance. Many reliable firms in this sector know various programming languages, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Python: A beginner-friendly language for relatively easy app creation and maintenance. Companies looking to develop and care for relatively basic programs may look into hiring IT support services that know this particular language. 
  • Java: A widely used language for different enterprise-level app development procedures. It’s also an ideal choice for developing mobile applications, particularly for the Android environment. 
  • JavaScript: An ideal choice for both desktop and web apps. Several offline and online programs use the JavaScript programming language to enhance user accessibility and experience. 

Organizations may want to capitalize on hiring IT support services that know different programming languages. Note that 2021 is fast approaching, hence, it might be a good idea to future-proof software development and maintenance with updated knowledge of various programming languages.

2. Web Development

Aside from computer programming and software development, trends in the IT support sector may provide additional and numerous benefits for companies in 2021. 

IT support firms may use evolving systems and tools to help brands grow, particularly in the online space. Some advantages that IT support companies may offer their clientele may include:

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs use modern web development standards to deliver advanced user experiences, such as offline mode and interactive mobile viewing. These apps tend to use languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to promote top-class online and offline experiences.
  • Single Page Applications (SPAs): SPAs help online pages with instant user feedback, especially for slow-loading websites. Various websites use SPAs to provide quick loading times, while maintaining optimal functionality for their interactive features. 
  • Voice recognition and recording: Brands may look into hiring IT support firms that offer services for developing apps that can capture voice data from web users. However, business owners should adhere to strict online rules to ensure they’re not using the captured data for illicit activities. 

Brands looking to gain the upper hand in competitions in the online realm may consider hiring reliable IT support services. Use the professional help of an IT firm that can help your business create and maintain web apps to improve sales funnels. 

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML)

Among the different facets of IT support, AI and ML might be gaining significant leads in the race to become widely used technologies in 2021. 

For starters, AI seems to continue to integrate itself into various traditional systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and contact center management systems. Various AI systems tend to go beyond traditional ML. These frameworks may help different devices communicate using natural language processing. Additionally, AI may help understand various types of online content to improve the quality of life of various users. 

Also, businesses with access to AI and ML may pull ahead of the competition. It’s because these technologies embrace this trend to provide their operations with industry-specific business content. These companies may also take advantage of exclusive data access and pre-trained models, thanks to the automatic acquisition of pertinent and relevant information. 

IT support companies may help other organizations in the installation and maintenance of both in-house and offshore AI and ML systems. But, these businesses must hire reliable IT services to increase opportunities to gain industry-leading practices through these technologies.

4. Cybersecurity

The Internet might not be as friendly as before. Always keep in mind that hackers and other cyber attackers are continuously upgrading their tools to breach digital security systems. Many trustworthy firms in the IT support industry understand this threat. It’s also for this reason (among several others) that companies in this sector continuously learn and upgrade their systems and tools to ensure IT systems won’t become the subject of cybersecurity attacks. 

One facet of cybersecurity that a reliable IT support firm may dabble into is mobile security. Many people are now using their smartphones over computers, thanks to the former gadgets’ portability. But, several hackers want to take advantage of this popularity by searching and using tools to penetrate mobile systems. 

Mobile device users may consider using secure smartphones with different security protocols in place. IT support companies may also help in the development of mobile cybersecurity apps, like anti-malware and virtual private network (VPN) applications. Additionally, the chosen IT company may also help in updating and maintaining these apps for potential cyber attacks. For instance, IT professionals may develop algorithms that can detect distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks before they manifest. DDoS attacks flood servers with fake visitors, causing websites to crash or have significantly slow loading times. 

The algorithm may interfere with an unusually high spike in visitor count by placing extra firewalls at the onset of the attack. The website might suffer some downgrades to its speed once the additional firewalls appear, but this scenario might be better than experiencing site downtimes. 

Brands may consider talking to IT firms with various cybersecurity services. Without this help, online businesses might be at higher-than-average risk of compromising their in-house IT systems because of potential cyber attacks. 


Various changes may happen in 2021 for the IT support industry. Many brands in and outside this sector may expect to see alterations and updates in areas like AI, computer programming, web development, and network monitoring. Nonetheless, it seems that the future of this sector seems bright as it continues to press forward despite certain challenges.  

Subith Kumar is an online gaming and futuristic tech editor with a decade of experience. He holds a B.A. in Computer Science and is known for his deep insights into virtual reality and AI in gaming. When offline, he's a drone racing enthusiast and a creative photographer.


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