Top Android Apps that Drain Battery and Use Up all your Data and Storage

Do your Android smartphone drain battery easily or use up all your mobile data and storage?

Whether you’re a seasoned Android user or you’ve just purchased your first smartphone, it’s very likely you have quite a few apps installed on your device including popular messaging apps, games, entertainment and shopping apps. But no matter how popular some of these apps might be, most of them drain battery, eat data and storage.

AVG has put together a few handy lists of the biggest culprits when it comes to draining your resources. So here is the list of top Android apps that degrade your smartphone’s performance.

AVG looked at anonymous data from more than one million AVG Android app users to put together its top 10 lists – and there are quite a few of them, as seen in the infographic below.

Dating apps appear to be heating up ahead of the holidays, AVG says, but social networking and chat apps are still major battery drainers. Amazon Shopping and Walmart can also consume plenty of battery life. Netflix and Spotify are also found in AVG’s lists, though entertainment apps are expected to kill battery life, especially when heavy streaming is involved.

Top Android Apps that Drain Battery

Here are AVG’s top Android apps that you should avoid if you want to improve battery life, storage and data consumption issues – however, that’s easier said than done, since some of them are quite popular.

  • Performance Draining Apps (startup): Facebook, Google Play Services, BBM, Instagram, Messenger, ChatOn Voice & Video Chat, Facebook Pages Manager, The Weather Channel, KakaoTalk, WhatsApp Messenger.
  • Performance Draining Apps (user): Snapchat, Amazon Shopping UK, Spotify Music, LINE: Free Calls & Messages, CleanMaster, Samsung WatchON, Netflix, BBC News, Amazon Shopping Global, Microsoft Outlook
  • Top 10 Battery Drainers (startup): Android Firmware Updater, Beaming Service for Samsung, SecurityPolicyUpdater, ChatON Voice & Video Chat, Google Play Services, Facebook, BBM, WhatsApp Messenger, Weather & Clock Widget Android, WeChat
  • Top 10 Battery Drainers (user): Samsung WatchON, Snapchat, Amazon Shopping UK, Microsoft Outlook, BBC News, Netflix, LINE: Free Calls & Messages, CleanMaster, Walmart, Amazon Shopping Global
  • Top 10 Storage Hogs (startup): Facebook, Amazon Kindle, Sp-Mode Mail, Facebook Pages Manager, Google Play Services, Skype, Instagram, Tango: free Video Call & Text, Google Play Services, WeChat
  • Top 10 Storage Hogs (user): Spotify Music, Chrome, Ailis Filters & Stickers, LINE Free Calls & Messages, Amazon Shopping UK, TripAdvisor Hotels Flights, Amazon Shopping Global, Snapchat, Clean Master, Photo Editor by Aviary
  • Top 10 Traffic Hogs (startup): Facebook, Yahoo! Japan, Avast Antivirus & Security, The Weather Channel, Instagram, iHeartRadio, Google Play Services, APUs Launcher, Groupon, WeatherBug
  • Top 10 Traffic Hogs (user): Netflix, Snapchat, Tumblr, BBC News, CleanMaster, Samsung WatchON, Spotify Music, Photo Editor by Aviary, Microsoft Outlook, Tinder

AVG’s infographic follows,

Top Android Apps that Drain Battery

If you really worried about this problem, then you should replace some of these android apps with their lite version like instead of Facebook app you should use Facebook Lite or instead of Messenger app you should consider Messenger Lite. Like this, you can control performance of your device to some extent.


  1. there is nothing we can do about them,either get mashmallow,force move these apps to an sd card and the best solution is to install lite or previous versions of these apps!


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