For The Time Being, WhatsApp Will Not Limit The Functions Of The App Even If You Do Not Agree To The New Rules

Since last May 15th, all users who use WhatsApp will have seen themselves asked to accept the new privacy rules. Now it looks like WhatsApp again backtracked on the issue of its new conditions.

Now the company notifies that for Whatsapp users; there will be no consequences for the time being if they do not agree to the new data protection provisions of the messenger service. There are currently no plans to restrict the range of functions for them, said a spokesman for the company, which is owned by Facebook.

Given recent discussions with various authorities and privacy experts, we want to make clear that we will not limit the functionality of how WhatsApp works for those who have not yet accepted the update,” said the WhatsApp spokesperson said in a statement to The Verge.

Of course, WhatsApp emphasizes that notices about the new conditions will continue to appear for those who still do not accept them: “We will continue to remind users from time to time and let them accept the update.” However, nothing guarantees that the above will remain in force for a long time.

Therefore, the new approach of WhatsApp is a turnaround that comes after months of controversy regarding the modification of data sharing policies between WhatsApp and Facebook. In reality, a novelty would have concerned only the messages sent to business accounts on WhatsApp. But the lack of clarity in its communication strategy generates great confusion among millions of people who use the service on a daily basis. Also, the authorities of some countries intervened in the situation.


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