Questions to ask a prospective web developer for your company website

Over the last 30 or so years, the web, tech and internet-based platforms have brought untold benefits to firms and allowed businesses to expand into previously untapped markets, reach out to and engage with new customers and operate on a local, national and international scale.

However, while the advantages of web promotion are undeniable, if your firm doesn’t spend time honing its internet profile, you stand the very real risk of alienating or losing clients (both prospective and existing). These days, clients expect companies to have a strong online presence across everything from their website to social media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and email marketing, etc. 

Questions to ensure you find the best developer for the job

In today’s fast-moving business landscape, companies have come to rely more and more on their websites to help generate new business and expand into new markets. If you have a well-designed, fully-optimized site, you’ll be far more likely to attract the attention of new clients, plus potentially expand into different territories. 

Using the services of a web design agency makes it far more likely you’ll end up with the best possible site for your company. However, not all web development firms are created equal, and by asking the following questions, you should get a better idea of their skills and whether they’re right for your project:

What do they know about your company? 

A good web developer should have already done some research into your company before attending a pitch or interview. Be wary of any company that hasn’t done at least some background work to find out more about your firm or your market sector, as this can often be a sign of a generally lax approach. 

Do they have any experience of working with companies like yours? 

Sure, you don’t want to end up with a carbon copy of a rival company’s site, but if a developer has at least a grounding in your market sector, they’ll have a head start over a firm that knows nothing about your business. 

Do they provide additional services alongside web design? 

Successful web production encompasses many different skills – everything from copywriting to web marketing/SEO, video/animation production and image editing, etc. Ideally, you should look to hire a firm that has a broad skills base to save having to chop and change developers as you require more tasks performed. 

How do they price jobs? 

As competition has increased within the web development industry, there has been an increasing trend to move to website packages – often priced on the number of pages or specific services. In some cases, this model might work for you but, if you’re looking for a truly bespoke site, you should ask how the company charges for their work. In most cases, development companies charge at an hourly rate – although they often won’t disclose this and will rather just offer you an overall price for the total development. Having an idea of how a company charges can prove hugely beneficial further down the line if you need changes made to your original website.

Does the company handle everything in-house, or do they outsource?

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with outsourcing aspects of a project to freelancers (indeed, it’s common practice across the web dev community), if the managers of your development company don’t have experience in design and development, you may face nightmarish complications and delays if something goes wrong. Regardless of whether a company outsources, you should ensure your designated account manager understands design, development and coding. 

Subith Kumar is an online gaming and futuristic tech editor with a decade of experience. He holds a B.A. in Computer Science and is known for his deep insights into virtual reality and AI in gaming. When offline, he's a drone racing enthusiast and a creative photographer.


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