Top 10 Turn-Based RPGs for Android and iOS
Vishak -
Turn-based RPGs for Android and iOS are a popular...
A-Z Kali Linux Commands — Also Included Kali Commands PDF
If you are new to Kali Linux world, check...
23 Best Challenging And Hard Android Games You Should Try
Get ready to get frustrated because you are going to...
Can Proxies Improve Your Online Gaming Experience?
Subith -
BenefitDescriptionTools & FeaturesReduced LagMinimizes latency by optimizing your connection...
10 Best Stealth Games for Android and iOS
Vishak -
Stealth games are a popular video game genre that...
Windows 11 Reintroduce The Ability To Change The Default Browser In A Simple Way
In Windows 11, changing the default browser was made more difficult — instead of using one browser for all web file types, users have to select...
Correlation Between Gambling and Video Games
The link or better said the connection between gaming and gambling is high and common. In fact, this is more common than you may...
The Most Convenient iGaming Payments for Kiwis
New Zealand's superb control of the coronavirus pandemic was achieved through strategic quarantine. This period saw an upsurge in online gaming traffic and iGambling....
How to Automate Testing in the Age of AI’s
A couple of years ago, Artificial Intelligence was just a dream. However, it has now become a very important part of our lives today...
How To Stop Receiving Marketing Mails From iGaming Companies?
It is an obvious fact how marketing emails and spam emails annoy us regularly. Primarily the gaming and gambling ones which are composed in...
New Technologies Are Aimed to Help Problem Gamblers
Since the bloom of the gambling market, Gambling has become a household name. More than half of the total population of the world gamble...
Snapdragon G3x Gen 1: Qualcomm With Razer Presents A Portable Console
Vishak -
Qualcomm proposes a leap in gaming hardware with the presentation of the new Snapdragon G3x Gen 1 Gaming Platform. Qualcomm has developed a processor intended...
Sony Patents A Smartphone Based PlayStation Controller
Sony has filed a patent for a version of the DualShock specifically for mobile gaming. According to Videogames Chronicle, the Japanese company has just patented...
How To Make Your PDFs Visually Appealing? Tips & Tricks
Wherever you look online, you’re bound to find at least several PDF-enhancing apps and tools. But do you really need all of these? True, PDFs...
Facial Animation Takes A New Leap: Ziva Dynamics Showed The Most Realistic Face In Unreal Engine 5
Last February, Epic Games announced MetaHuman Creator, an ultra-realistic character editor that aims to revolutionize the entertainment industry along with video games. The first technical...
Boost Your Brain in Your Lunch Hour
Subith -
Most of us are guilty of wasting our lunch breaks. We'll wolf down some fast food, as we woke up too late to make...
Apple AR Headset Would Arrive In 2022: Will Offer A Performance Similar To The M1 Chip
Adwaith -
Apple AR headsets are showing signs of life again. The project has been the subject of rumors for years without having a clear launch date. The...